Valdobbiadene Finalizzato Format Bottle
Most of the production of Valdobbiadene Finalized is made using 750 ml bottles . We can customized and produce magnum bottles of 1,5 lt . , 3 lt . , 6 lt . and 9 liters . For exceptional events we also realized Bottles of 12 lt. The 3 lt bottles , or more, having an important dimension , they require to create a customed label , which is affixed to the usual number of bottle series , together with the signature of the producer and the purchaser ' . The large format bottles ( magnum ) are not commonly used , as we all know the only utility to celebrate special occasions, and to give an aesthetic value when it is used . What not everyone knows is that the size of the bottle influences largely on the shelf and on the development of the wine aging process . The wine matures more slowly in large format bottles and allows a better development of organoleptic qualities . That’s why I suggest to taste a large bottle of Finalized because I guarantee it will have an amazingly pleasant impact on you .
Magnum 3,0 lt. |